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Drawn up by some of the most unsavory souls in the Boston, MA underground hardcore scene and reinforced by members who have done time in infamous area bands like Mind Eraser, Righteous Jams, Mental, XFilesX and many others, The Rival Mob has become darlings of the current hardcore scene, inspiring shameless violence and playing high on the bill at the most important hardcore festivals in America: This Is Hardcore in Philadelphia, PA, Sound And Fury in California and Chaos In Tejas in Austin, TX. In between serving time with their current other projects World War 4, Give, No Tolerance and Boston Strangler, the band will be playing on both coasts highlighted once again by the big summer festivals as well as their first-ever trip across the Atlantic to Europe. The band's Revelation Records debut picks up right where their previous EP, "Hardcore For Hardcore," left off, with vocalist Brendan Radigan spewing venom at the ills that plague both the outside world and the scene itself, all delivered over fast, stagedive-inspiring hardcore that brings to mind the best of mid-late '80s New York hardcore bands like Youth Of Today, Warzone and Breakdown. Vinyl version includes digital download.


1. Intro Grunt
2. Mob Justice
3. It Must Be Nice...
4. Boot Party
5. Life Or Death
6. Fake Big
7. Be Somebody
8. Friendly Freaks
9. The Brutes Of Force
10. Self-Esteem
11. Cheapo Grosso
12. Thought Control