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"All Ages - Reflections on Straight Edge takes an in-depth look at the second wave of American Hardcore - the music that borrowed from the likes of Minor Threat, Black Flag, and SSD - bands like Youth of Today, Slapshot, Bold, Underdog, Side by Side, Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Inside Out, Chain of Strength, No for an Answer, Supertouch and so on. Most of these bands were awesome and they were all different and they have yet to be documented accurately outside of their own recordings until now.

The personalities and opinions expressed in this book are as varied as the music these people have since created. We've gone from Youth of Today, No for an Answer, Brotherhood and Bold to Shelter, Engine Kid, Quicksand, Farside and Into Another. Straight edge is not so much the topic, but a starting point. Where all these band members and "scenesters" have gone since then is what's really fascinating. So many people who seemingly stood for the same things have since explored virtually every direction in life you could dream up.

This is our Banned in DC and then some because Beth didn't limit the scope of this book to jus tthe big 'names,' she interviewed those on the outside looking in - everyone from Ian MacKaye to Ray Cappo to Jordan Cooper to the girl who sold soda at the Anthrax.

If you care one iota about not just straight edge, but American Hardcore from the last ten years, then this is a must. And if you can deal with some honesty and some fallen angels and even some humor, then buy it. And don't just look at it, read it and then put it in that spot you have reserved for things that become part of your permanent collection."

Tim "Boiling Point" Singer


Interviews with:

Jon Anastas
Greg Anderson
Richie Birkenhead
Ray Cappo
Jordan Cooper
Don Fury
Mike Hartsfield
Glynis Hull-Rochelle
Mike Judge
Hilly Kristal
Ian MacKaye
Susan Martinez
Dan O'Mahony
Gus Pena
Neil Robinson
Mark Ryan
Walter Schreifels
Kevin Seconds
Sam Seigler
Arthur Smilios
Dave Stein
Drew Thomas
Becky Tupper
Pete Verbal Assault
Matt Warnke
Sterling Wilson