


Push The Panic


We are here to make some noise. We are here to have some fun. We are here to shake things up a bit. We are here because the sounds, the sweat, the ear piercing decibels, the broken mics, the shattered guitars, the shaking asses, the pumping fists, the one light bulb swinging dangerously in harms way, and the action of the basement was all too much to ignore. We are Since By Man.


Sam Macon - Vocals

Brad Clifford - Guitar

Kevin Herwig - Guitar

Eric Alonzo - Bass

Jon Kraft - Drums

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The most important thing a new band can do is put out a strong debut that makes people notice them. However, most bands then nullify that effort by releasing a flaccid sophomore recording that fails to live up to its predecessor. On the other hand, if a band's second offering is as potent, or more so than the first, it is usually the case that barring label fallout or band breakup, that band will continue to be a forceful presence in the scene. Since By Man's latest EP A Love Hate Relationship, their second release on Revelation, is definitely a prominent demonstration that this band is not going away anytime soon.

Picking up where We Sing the Body Electric left off, the new four-song offering is certainly a step in the right direction. The aforementioned debut LP was good, yet wasn't devoid of weak moments, especially compared to their more substantial live performance. It was good for its own sake and nothing more. That said, the new EP fills in the gaps that were missing before. There are still the unique guitar melodies, the spoken/shouted vocals, and the almost dance-like rhythms. Now add to that an overall fuller sound, more distorted guitars, more screaming, heavier breakdowns, a dash more double bass, and a healthy increase in all around rock. This is still characteristically Since By Man; this is also new and improved Since By Man.

The four songs contained on A Love Hate Relationship hit faster than a one-two punch. The first track opens intensely with no intro. Listeners quickly realize that no introduction is needed, and the band proceeds to play what could be termed as modern post-punk in the vein of Refused, only much heavier. The intensity lasts through the second track and then there is the all too common interlude before the third song. However, not to be outdone, the band utilizes electronics instead of the standard-issue clean guitar or piano for the connection. The result is a welcome break, completely at home with the rest of the recording.

Bottom Line: If you heard We Sing the Body Electric or have seen Since By Man live before and were left wanting something more, then this is your something more. Current fans will readily consume this release, while moderates will also surely take notice. If this short offering is any indication of what Since By Man is capable of, then we are all in for a pleasant surprise., Ash Levitt, October 5, 2004