


While it's customary for a band to stick to the script and stay within the bounds of their "sound," TITLE FIGHT has no qualms in evolving and shifting their music. Constantly surprising their fans and even themselves at times, they've grown from post-hardcore  punk to a thickly-layered and lushly-textured band with roots firmly in the gauzy world of SST and 4AD. With a new label in Revelation Records, the band once again finds themselves limitless in their musical scope and their new EP, "Spring Songs," is testament of that. NPR hailed the band, saying "Title Fight hits the sweet spot between the heartfelt, road-trip-proven pop-punk of Jawbreaker's 'Dear You' and the melodic post-hardcore of Hot Water Music... Title Fight has become more adept at unexpected tempo changes, intricate picking patterns and getting the most of out of a catchy hook." One minute wall-of-sound, next minute mid-tempo slowburn, TITLE FIGHT has once again reinvented themselves, making it nearly impossible to figure out where they're headed next. but regardless it's still very much TITLE FIGHT.


Jamie Rhoden - guitar/vocals
Shane Moran - guitar
Ned Russin - bass/vocals
Ben Russin - drums