


REV 101



What started as a fantasy project from the maestro of the mosh part, aka Brian Ristau aka Clevo became hardcore's biggest band in 1999-2000. Considered to be the pinnacle of Brian's musical career, the band came to a screeching hault when Clevo realized that the producers of the much heralded "Moon Landing" were beginning to keep a stern eye on the highly anticipated "s/t" debut on Revelation. There were fears that the lyrical content was raising eyebrows (see the song "No Way") and the political attention became too much for this band.


Clevo - Bass, Drums / Jesse Googlestuffon - Guitar, vocals

Interviews and Reviews

"RIP 3 Darling Street."

Brian Ristau, aka Clevo, plays bass in the Boston band Stop and Think and was also in the much loved Ten Yard Fight and much jocked Right Brigade. He turns 30 this year, he's still edge, and he knows some shit about some shit. So we interviewed him...about shit.

1. First off, hows your edge?
Good, thanks for asking. Thats not something I usually think about, it always pretty good.

2. How does playing in Stop and Think compare to playing in Ten Yard Fight? We all understand Stop and Think are still new, so explain beyond that factor.
Being in TYF was great, but I was a replacement, whereas in S&T I was there from the beginning, and I have had more input in songwriting. Even though Joe writes most of the music, we all tweak the songs, and we all have input on song structuring. As far as shows, its the same, I jump around alot, kids mosh and sing along. The best part of S&T is Lacroix isnt there.

3. What is your favorite place to tour?
Lets see, Driving in a hot van across the country on million hour drives to places like South Dakota or being driven on a bus all through Europe with Geoff TDT there to provide hours of stories and entertainment. I'd have to say Europe was more my favorite, because I got to see alot of stuff, and it was an easy tour, but I always had fun no matter where we toured.

4. What bands have inspired your hardcore life? What is on your record player and in your cd player right now?
I got a mix tape from a friend that had The Misfits, Murphys Law, AF and the Cromags on it. Hearing those bands made it feel like I was an insider, like I had something these other people would never understand (and I still think thats true.) I just started buying tons of records, all punk and hardcore stuff. I was really into 7 Seconds for a long time. What I am listening to now- Slapshot, Iggy and The Stooges, Koro, Genocide SS, Suicide File, and I got the Knife Fight tracks today. They are great.

5. What prompted you to join the army, and how is it that you are so patriotic?
I put off filling out college applications for so long, that I couldnt get into Ohio State, since their Freshman class was full. I wasnt into staying at home for school, and going to Kent St or Akron U, and my best friend had already joined up, so I asked him what kind of deal he was getting, and he set up an interview with a recruiter. The rest is history. If I had it to do all over, I would have tried to go to West Point, but you have to make that decision when you are a freshman or sophomore.

6. Do you consider yourself a second round edgeman, and what do you think of that term in general?
Stupid term. I dont think Ian MacKaye made it up. I am edge. Period. If anyone questions my edge out there, ask them where they will be when they are 30.

7. If you came upon a chung king in a record store selling for $10 but had no cash or credit cards on you, what would you do?
Easy, ask them to hold it. If they are selling it for 10 bucks, they will be glad to keep it for a few days so they can unload it. Besides, why wouldnt I have my credit card?

8. What scene has the best edge? Since that answer is Boston, what scene has the next best edge?
Is it Boston? Where is everyone now? I like the Jersey dudes.

9. If you could get your tattoos done by any artist in the world, who would you choose? From that tattoos you have, which is your favorite artist, best work, best person?
Obviously Sailor Jerry, but I doubt he could do it. Jeff Whitehead, or some crazy Japanese guy who uses the sticks and hammer. My favorite tattoo artist I have work done from is Brady Duncan at Read St. in Baltimore. I like Mike Lussier alot too. One of these days, I'll have him finish my chest. Also Mike Schweigert at Body Art World in NJ. I need to get more tattoos.

10. Where would you be today if you had never been introduced to hardcore or punk rock and the edge?
Fucking nowhere.

Sweet times.
Interview by Murphy,